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Affordable Wines To Keep In Your Fridge

Soooooo, Clinton and I love wine. So naturally, when we bought our house and there was a wine fridge just waiting to be shown some love, we were really excited. Clinton's parents are quite the wine connoisseurs and every time we go to their house, there is always something new to try. Wine is my favorite thing to drink because every wine taste so different, and trying different blends is something you can enjoy with your family and friends. One of the best things about wine is that you can buy some great bottles at really fabulous prices. Drinking wine should be an fun experience that doesn't have to break your bank!


When trying to find your "wine of choice" the place you go really does matter. One of the best places to find wine in Birmingham is Trader Joe's! They have such a great selection and even better prices. We even supplied all of the wine for our wedding reception from Trader Joe's! The real advantage to this, besides the great selection, was that we were able to return the bottles that were not drank at the reception. As it turned out, though, there was not a single drop left after our reception; so,unfortunately, we did not take advantage of this awesome perk, but it's something to keep in mind when event planning!

What a great idea though! If you are unsure of a head count for your get-together you can buy extra and take back the leftovers. Also you can buy there wine blend "Charles Shaw" for $2.00 a bottle and it is good! I promise! You can get wine by the case for a fabulous price. I could go on and on about Trader Joe's. Back to the wines we have in our fridge.

1. Josh

Josh is so good! It is one of my favorite affordable wines! We went to a Sunday dinner at Gian Marco's and the creator of Josh was there. Josh was the featured wine with each course that night! It is an amazing option for a dinner party or for a wedding.

2. J. Lohr

This is a smooth wine that is not too heavy and is good to have anytime of the year. It is a great wine to sip on at night. It is one of our favorites for a night cap before bed.

3. Menage A Trois

This wine is priced great and taste great! What more can you ask for?

4. Coppola

So I am a sucker for a cool bottle! This one is really fun to drink and the bottle is so fun. We love this wine.

5. Bogle

So you are seeing a trend I am a red wine drinker. This is another really affordable option that is good for a casual night in.

6. Grand Reserve

Grand Reserve has a great Chardonnay that is great for a nice summer day or paired with sushi! I enjoy white wine during the summer months and this is always a go-to.

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