New Year New You - Resolution Ideas for 2019

Every New Year it is so much fun to think about what you want your focus to be. There is something so refreshing about a clean slate. It is a time to refocus and reflect on the past year to make sure you make the next one even better.
For me it is so hard to decide on just a few things to keep my focus on. I like to set a few main goals for myself and also think of aspects of my life/self I would like to slowly improve on. I think it is super important to not only think of bettering yourself going into a new year, but to also think about how you can impact others by sharing compassion and blessings.
If you are having trouble narrowing down what you want your resolutions to be, I am hoping this post will help give you some ideas. A few weeks ago I was dead set that my main goal would be getting in the best shape ever. After going to Gatlinburg with a group of friends who are very well traveled, it kind of changed my perspective on how broad resolutions can be. Resolutions do not just have to be about fitness, they can be more deep and truly effect your mindset on life. Here are a few ideas that might help you decide what to focus on in 2019. These are goals and mindsets that I for sure plan to focus on.
Live In The Moment - While I was in Gatlingburg my friends were talking about being "WOKE." Meaning live in your moments so you can truly be blown away by the special moments in your life. Though it may be hard for us to put our phones down and soak in the scenery... it is important to focus so we can remember how special each moment actually is.
Travel While You Can - Personally this is one of my main goals. Travel while you are young and are able. If you look back on your life and think ugh I wish I would have done that, now is your chance to make up for those times. I DO NOT like to fly because it is terrifying, but there are several places on this earth we all need to get out there and see!
Do not Sweat The Small Stuff - This is a mindset flaw of mine that I plan to focus on this year. I always let the small things in life get to me. My husband has great saying, "tie a balloon to it." Every time I get upset or frustrated with things that are out of my control he always tells me this. Let this be the year you focus on not letting the small stuff ruin your day.
Focus On A Lifestyle Change (Eating/Exercise) - In order to make this the year you actually make a impact on your body and maintain it you have to make a lifestyle change. This is something I struggle with. I go through healthy spurts and super unhealthy spurts. The older I get the harder it is to bounce back from 4 pizza nights in a row. There are several great lifestyle guides on pinterest that I use!
Make A Commitment To Finally Join a Church - We have been going to Church of the Highlands for a long time, but have not become members yet. It is something we continue to put off, but it is so important to make a home for yourself and let this year be the year you make the commitment!
Work On Being More Compassionate and Empathetic of Others - It is so easy to just focus on yourself, but helping others helps you internally. I think this is a great goal for someone that is looking to make a difference in peoples lives.
Work On Building Stronger Relationships With Your Family - My papa has had health problems this year and it has really made me value the moments I have with my loved ones. This is the first time I have ever had a family member suffer with health issues and it has made me realize how precious time is. Do not take one second for granted.
Focus On The Positives in Life - Try not to be the Debbie downer or a negative Nancy. Find the positives even in the sad moments.
Pick Up The Hobby You Have Always Wanted To - Stop making excuses for not trying something new you have always wanted to give a go! This is your year!
Perfect A Talent You Are Passionate About - For me photography and video are something I am really excited to become more experienced with! I know everyone has that something that would like to get better at.
Hopefully this will help you this post helps you dig deeper and set meaningful goals that will have a true impact on your outlook/mindset on life. Please share with anyone you think might find value in ths post. Happy New Year.
